Introducing The Rubbers
AO: The H0.0ch
When: 03/29/2019
QIC: Hamburglar
PAX (14): Flo, Splinter, Meatball, Popper, ReadyMix, Stickers, Boomer, Jimbo, Slinky, Hollywood, BallBoy, Poo Bear, Tigger, YHC
3 PAX for pre-run extra credit
Disclaimer and Welcome
Mosey for a warm up lap with a few exercises — Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, SSHs
The Thang:
Thang 1 — at track stairs
30 calf raises /20 dips
30 pigeon toed calf raises /20 dips
30 duck footed calf raises / 20 dips
Thang 2 — on track field — two sets
20 squat jacks —> bear crawl across field
10 star jumps —> crawl bears back to start
Mosey back to shelter
Thang 3 — Workout Bands aka Rubbers
Circled up under shelter with each PAX member grabbing a workout band. Competed several arm and back exercises with bands including curls, Boris Beckers, arm lifts, back raises, lawn mower pulls
Thang 4 — Don’t forget the merkins
Partner runs 75 yards while PAX member does
Set 1 – merkins
Set 2 – werkins
Set 3 – diamond merkins
Apologies here to the GT PAX members whose minds were blown with thoughts of infinity when YHC instructed men in circle to “partner up with person on your left.” At Vandy we would just assume the instructions were for every other person starting with speaker. Next time I will be more specific for the engineers.
Thang 4 — three sets of crab walks 10 yards and broad jumps back
Thang 5 — 6 minutes of Mary
American Hammers, Freddy Mercury’s, awesome new exercise FLO suggested which I can’t remember the name of but which I will call plank jumps, reverse LBCs, plank for 90 seconds
Big prayers up for people traveling, for people evaluating job opportunities, for quick healing knees, and for opportunities to show strength in vulnerability.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for all the love and support this group provides. Let’s try to enjoy each moment over Spring Break and be slow to anger and stress. Wake up each morning and pick out one thing you are grateful for related to your family and one way you are going to have a positive impact on your family that day.