Bear Crawl 1-2-3 comes to Spring Training
AO: The Gladiator
When: 03/26/2019
QIC: Scar
PAX (16): Spandex, Stud Finder, Black Box, Moonshine, Scrum, Renegade, Flo, Tebow, Kegger, Scar, Puddle Jumper, Zohan, Delicious, Manchester, Brownie, DC2.
YHC arrived back at the Gladiator this morning a bit early to make sure the baseball fields were unlocked and not waterlogged. I jogged back to the parking lot to see a few men milling around. With a minute left I started my disclaimer, but no one was listening too much mumble chatter. I had to call the place to order to get anything out of them. So the trunk of the car was opened and cinders revealed, mumble chatter stopped!
Quick mosey with the cinder’s to a parking lot for some mountain climbers, weedpickers and side straddle hops.
The Thang:
With the pax warmed up and ready it was time for the first round of spring training –
Bear crawl 1-2-3, 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s and 300 squats with partner 2 doing bear crawl and crawl bear across the parking lot. Flip flop until all reps are complete.
Round 2 was another short mosey to baseball field –
Spring training – 20 reps followed by 15 reps –
Home plate – Curls
1st Base – Shoulder press
2nd Base – Kettle bell swing
3rd Base – Sumo squat
Home plate – cinder plank position
By now the mumble chatter was back so it was time for round 3
The cycle –
This was modified for time. Home plate bear crawl around all the bases stopping for 3 burpees at 1st, 6 burpees at 2nd, 9 burpees at 3rd base and 12 burpees at home plate.
Just enough time to mosey back to the flag with our cinders, 2 rounds of Mary and we were done.
Prayers for all men of F3 and their families, Tillman run reminder on April 27th followed by Spring cookout on April 28th.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead this group again and thank you Spandex for our coffeteria.