Coming in Hot with 11 PAX at the H0.0ch for a BallBoy beatdown
AO: The H0.0ch
When: 03/15/2019
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (11): Splinter, Pooh Bear, Tigger, Stickers, Saint20, Meatball, Homer, Jimbo, Popper, Hamburglar
A Tarheel victory and late-night tile grouting led to a slow start for YHC this morning. Fortunately the plan was pretty much finished before YHC passed out, dropping my phone on my chest where it would remain until the alarm drug me back out of the fartsack.
As the PAX circled up and watched the clock tick dangerously close to 0530, in distant gloom they saw the shadowy outline of a BallBoy jogging toward them with a shovel flag. No time to chat or get a soundtrack together, let’s get right to it.
- Hillbillies
- Copperhead Squats
- Merkins
Mosey lap on the track… high knees, butt kickers, slides, and a quickened pace due to the perfectly timed rain shower
The Thang:
Thang 1
Four Corners:
- 15 Burpees
- 20 Star Jumps
- 25 Merkins
- 30 V-Ups
Bear crawl between stations
Rinse and repeat
Rinse and repeat
Thang 2
Partner Exercises
While one lunged to the asphalt and back, other partner did the following, then switched until reaching the designated totals:
- 100 Merkins
- 150 Squat Jacks
- 200 Freddy Mercurys
A few minutes for Mary: Dollys, Outlaws (a favorite now), LBCs
Several M’s needing prayers due to surgery, car accident, pregnancy due dates, travel. Q source topic very relevant this week. Other prayers and praises on the job front and looking forward to having El Matador back next week!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Great effort put forth by all. Some tough beatdowns this week so thanks to Scrooge and Flo for pushing us to get stronger. We have folks struggling with allergies, asthma, etc. but still out there pushing it to the limit. Wherever the limit is for you, the goal is not to get yours up to everyone else’s, it is to push YOUR line forward. True in fitness, true in life. Keep accelerating.