Rock, Paper, Scissors & Walmart Burpees
AO: The Hooch
When: 02/20/2019
QIC: El Matador
PAX (17): Ball Boy, Sneakers, Boomer, Flo, The Dab, Feathers, Popper, Stickers, Meatball, Hamburglar, Piggy, Scrooge, Ready-Mix, Simba, Stroller, Splinter
4 PAX for a ShieldLock Pre-Run and 17 for a Burpee Beatdown. The forecast had some worried about Cantore, but it turned out to be no worries. YHC found a few dry spots along the way.
The usual mosey and warmups got us ready for Rock, Paper, Scissors. Partner’d up, the winner got to do merkins. The loser was stuck with Burpees, escalating as we made it to round 10. Apparently there are a few PAX that aren’t too good at this game, but they at least got stronger with a lot of burpees!
Mosey’d a ways for some Field of Dreams, 2 rounds. 15 burpees times 2. Then we Mosey’d for Bataan Death March. YHC realized a few lines would have been “better.”
We finished with something new: Walmart Burpees! Apparently it’s because the fun gets “rolled back.” Makes sense now. The usual 4 minutes of Mary closed things out.
Please remember to pray for shared requests: Anxiety, the passing of a loved one, MRI. Great Coffeteria afterwards and thanks for letting me lead!