Recess at the Playground
AO: The Hooch
When: 02/13/2019
QIC: Flo
PAX (16): Saint20, Hippie, Popper, Splinter, Hamburglar, Homer, Poohbear, Stickers, Meatball, Scrooge, Piggie, Sunshine, Boomer, Moses, RediMix
16 PAX (including YHC) snatched that DRP and hit Wednesday in the mouth. T-Claps for guys just starting out and for us that have been doing this thing for a while to keep pushing. Every day is an opportunity to get better/stronger/right. Glad to have some visitors from the Lake Norman part of F3 nation, welcome Hippie and Moses. Come on back and see us anytime!
4 PAX for the extra credit pre-run.
Disclaimer and Welcome
Mosey towards the playground with some warm-up/pain stations on the way. SSHs, Mountain Climbers, Copperhead Squats, etc.
The Thang:
Thang 1 At the playground we broke up in teams of 2 for some mini-dora
A. Partner A ran to the second light post; while
B. Partner B did worked the station
****60 team reps of pull-ups, inverted rows, and burpees
Thang 2 De-escalating 7s
At the turf area we..
Bear crawled to the other side for 7 Merkins, Big Boys, and Squats
Crawl Beared back for 6 of the same
Bear Crawled back for 5 of the same
back and forth to one and finish with a crawl bear
Thang 3
Mosey back towards the flag with pain stations along the way
At the parking lot we moseyed across stopping for 5/10/15/20/25 squat stations finishing off at the flag.
5 MOM of round robin mary- various PAX, various exercises
Big prayers up for the following:
- Being our brothers keeper, keep an eye out for the guy in the weeds. Step in, cause he might not be able to step out.
- Ms- Simba’s and Boomers
- The Stephen’s family
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I always think it is amazing how doing something hard together breaks down barriers and builds bonds. Thankful for what this group means to me and my walk through this life.
Honored to lead and encouraged by these men!
– Flo
Great Q. Strong COT. This was a great start to my day.