AO: The Wreck
When: 02/11/2019
PAX (23): DD, Aflac, Switch, Swamp Donkey, Tweaker, Blue, Jackalope, Bieber, Yankee, Ariel, Foley, Bear, Bayside, Sellout, Divot, Raider, Roonie, Zima, Squeegee, Smackdown, Boomer, Rusty, Ozzie
Set alarm for 4:30 – Check
Pack the tape – Check
Pack the flashlights – Check
Print out the maps – Check
Print out the BD for each stop on the scavenger hunt – Check
Confirm print out is not duplexed – FAIL
So, what do you do at 4:50 in the morning when you are setting up for your planned Q and you realize it won’t work due to a printer setting? You call in the sMURPH. You know, its like the MURPH but smaller, blue (You’re my boy @Blue), and always fighting with Gargamel.
Squat while we created groups
First, we broke into the promised groups. Lebanon which has about 10 members at the Wreck had 0 show up. Magnolia Walk which has at least 7 active members had 3 show up. North Point Church employees has at least 5 Wreckers had 0 show up. Bieber which continually grows his harem had 1 guy with him today. So instead we had a group of OGs with North Point attendees, the Beliebers with those who post at other AOs, 3 MW’s which in the haste to assembled new groups was left with just 3 people, and those who drive more than 3 miles to the Wreck with a random group of misfits. We’ll call them Team Bear, Team Donkey, Team Bieber, and Team Aflac.
The Thang:
Mosey around the park about 2/3 mile to the playground for the sMURPH
- 100 Pull ups
- 100 Merkins
- 100 Big Boy Situps
- These could be done in any groupings as long as the total was 100 of each. Also, if one person on the team finished, they could help another on their team reach their individual goal.
- Team Aflac won, though having only 3 people may have helped. I actually thought the bigger teams would finish first, but it was not to be.
Next, we Moseyed to the parking lot in front of the football field, grabbed a rock/boulder/pebble and performed the following:
- 3 rounds
- 25 Rows
- 25 Curls
- 25 Skull Crushers
- Once a team member was done, he could help another team member finish his reps.
- I’m not sure who finished this first as it appeared most groups finished around the same time.
Next, we moseyed to the wall behind the baseball field for 25 right leg step-ups, 25 left leg step-ups, and 25 dips. This was not done as a team. Lastly, we moseyed back to the play ground to finish up with a round of Foley. (Person yells out exercise, runs up the playground to the top slide and slides down while others perform the exercise). Returned to flag right at time.
- Atlas tomorrow
- Prayer request for Sprocket and Foley’s family
- Sellout is now a minister
Naked-Man Moleskin:
S Talk:
Friggen duplex printers – this one is about to see the wrong end of a metal baseball bat (User not accepting blame)
Lack of representation of entire groups of men. I might have to take my EHing to another level next month.