What’s a Pushup?

AO: The Rubicon

When: 06/10/2021

QIC: Devito

PAX (17): Cookie, False Start, Sprocket, Bottom Bunk, TO, Trebek, McAfee, Dosido, No See Um, Locksmith, Fanny Pack, Cart Path, Special K, Stiff Arm, Stiffler, Lefty, Devito


Short run to start around the corner to the lot behind the playground.  Warm-ups of IC SSH, weed pickers, windmills, copperhead squat and arm circles.

The Thang:

Across the bridge into the playground to start our morning.  Partner up.  Partner A in BTTW while B does 30 monkey humpers.  Flap jack for 5 rounds each.  Next Partner A in wall sit while B does 10 pull-ups.  Flap jack for 3 rounds each.  Finally Partner A holds plank while B does 15 donkey kicks.  Flap jack for 4 rounds each.  Animal control may or may not have received a phone call during this time.

False Start had put in a request for coupons, so we headed to the rock pile.  All got a medium coupon and circled up in the grass for Jack Webb.  1-to-4 ratio of merkins to shoulder press with your rock.  Staying together, we worked up to 10 merkins and 40 rock presses.  A couple guys pissed off the local ants and paid the price (looked like McAfee took the brunt of their attack).  In fairness, they were there first.

After returning our rocks, we moved to the base of FOD hill and partnered back again for a DORA style sequence.  200 reps each of squats, American hammers aaaaannnnnddd … ah hell we can do more pushups.  No one knew what a pushup was, so we did merkins instead.  While one partner worked the other ran up the hill and back.  Every other time up the hill, run backwards.  We stopped and ran back to the flag just in time.


Prayers for TO and family as his Dad passed on.

Prayers for Eli’s family and McAfee.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

TNT brought by Cookie about F3 as the solution for Sad Clown syndrome.  Sprocket followed with a reminder that we are each accountable for our own actions and attitudes in relationships.

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