The Titanic
AO: Rubicon
When: 04/14/2022
QIC: Cookie
PAX (13): Caffey, Cookie, False Start, FannyPack, Lefty, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, PitStop, Red Ryder, Scar, Special K, Saigon Sam
YHC grabbed the Q once I heard Saigon Sam, the JAX Nantan, would be joining us. I wanted to ensure the Alpha gave him a memorable beatdown that he could take back south when he left. Small threat of thunderstorms were predicted, but by 5:30am all was clear. 3 pre-runners emerged from the gloom to join the 13 total PAX ready to take their Daily Red Pill. YHC gathered the PAX and asked if anyone knew the significance of April 14th. 110 years ago the Titanic sunk on this very day. YHC disclaimed that we would be taking on the Titanic…. and off into the gloom we went.
Head over to the pool parking lot for high knees, karaoke left, karoake right, backwards run. Circle up for SSH, smurf jacks, Windmill & Imperial Walker. Grab a coupon from the pile and now on to the main dish.
The Thang:
THE TITANIC – each exercise builds on itself. Example: Run 1 lap, come back, do 5 burpees, run a lap. Then 10 merkins, 5 burpees, then a lap, etc.
- 1 Lap
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Merkins
- 15 Bonnie Blairs
- 20 Overhead press
- 25 Lunges
- 30 Curls
- 35 Squats
- 40 Shoulder taps
- 45 LBC
- 50 SSH
**YHC also had a bonus round built-in at the end, but the Titanic sunk us before we were able to finish. Millertime and Caffey pushed the pace and almost finished in time. Millertime stayed behind to finish while the rest of the PAX deposited the coupons. Back to the flag for 1 minute of mary.
Continued prayers for the friends and family of Ready-Mix, aka Stewart Evans. Celebration of Life next Tuesday at 7pm at Perimeter Church. Saigon Sam asked for prayers for the former JAX Nantan, Heisenberg, as he is fighting a very deadly cancer. Gratitude was offered for our ability and health to be able to post in the gloom with our brothers. Allow us to never take this for granted.
Coffeeteria and TNT followed. No-See-Um brought some sweet treats and YHC gave a truth nugget about The Gap & the Gain.