Passover Inspiration
AO: The Hooch
When: 03/29/2021
QIC: Zohan
PAX (17): Ballboy, Flo, Boomer, Birdie, Dinghy, McGuire, Popper, Concat, Meatball, Wingnut, Sugar, Ready Mix, Saint2O, Scrooge, Feathers, Animal, Zohan
I love Passover, mostly because I love Matzah, but that food is a menace to my weight goal so YHC was thinking of pushing it as much as possible this week. Came in for a pre-run but missed the runners by a minute. As The Falcon said (S1:E1) – “There’s no such thing as on time. You’re either early or late. Pick One.” I was late. Still got a couple miles in.
At the parking lot saw Flo and Boomer coming in with weight vests. Joked about being offended that they didn’t think my workout will be challenging enough, but really I’m just inspired by any PAX that is trying to push himself to accelerate. Respect!
A quick disclaimer and hinted that today’s beatdown might be loosely inspired by Passover.
Mosey around the parking. Started with 10 IC Egyptians, to meet the theme. PAX weren’t sure if that’s a real exercise. It is, though not from the Exicon.
Next IC SSH. The first 20 were done in a normal cadence. Then the pace picked up for the next 10 and then fast as YHC could go for 10 more.
Finished the warm up with Windmills and we moseyed out of the parking lot and across the street toward Honey Baked Ham cafe.
The Thang:
Hard Work
As Pharaoh made the Israelites work hard, so did YHC tried to do to the PAX, though with much better intentions at heart.
At the top of the hill Mucho Chesto (regular merkin, wide, diamond, stagger and stagger), starting with 6 of each. Running down the hill, toward Target, to do Yawzaa – 1 Burpee and 4 single count Bonnie Blairs. Back up for 5 Mucho Chesto and back down for 2 Yawzaas (2 Burpees, 8 Bonnie Blairs) till finish with 1 and 6. Finish at the top of the hill.
YHC had a lot of time to think about bad life choices (like coming up with that exercise) but also about some better ones (like choosing 7s over 11s for this).
When YHC finished some PAX already started American Hammers. Then continued to call Flatter Kicks, Dolly, Gas Pumpers and Monkey Humpers till 6 was in.
10 Count and we run back.
Splitting the Sea
Indian run behind the stores and the theater. 2 lines, with the PAX at the back running in the middle.
We stopped at the low stone wall for 30 IC Dips and continued back to the flag
The 10 Commandments
Moses went up the mountain for 40 days and came back with the 10 Commandments. To honor the 10 and 40 combination we did Captain Thor (1:4 ratio of BBSU and single count American Hammers).
Pharaoh chasing the Israelites
Ok, so chronologically speaking, this should have come before the splitting of the sea. But YHC had that as a filler and wasn’t sure if we’ll have the time for it. We had about 5 min to go and YHC wasn’t inclined to do 5MOM after Captain Thor (and, according to some of the groans, I think other PAX felt the same).
Partner up for catch me if you can. One partner does 10 high jumps while the other partner Bear Crawls, Crab Walk or Duck Walk away. Choose your poison. Switch. 3 sets.
I think some teams did more than 3 sets, but YHC called back to the flag and that was time.
Popper’s dad is progressing well with Chemo.
Zohan has some friends with wives and/or sons handling depression.
People will be traveling soon for Spring Break.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The Israelites, like other nations at the time, chose slavery willingly to avoid hunger. Today we don’t face the same challenge, yet often men willingly (if not knowingly) go into slavery by being heavily dependent on various substances or negative habits. Getting free is not easy and staying free is not easy either, but this is part of our own personal path and a necessary step to be ready to hear the word of god be able to serve others as leaders, not as slaves.