Operation Sweet Tooth – F3 Cape Fear and the Betty H. Cameron Women and Children’s Hospital

When: 12/10/16-12/31/16

QIC: Donut

PAX (): All - the pax of F3 Cape fear, their M's and 2.0s.

30 something pax converged with their M’s, M-to-be’s, and 2.0s to celebrate Christmas, support the Cape Fear community, and honor Olive’s 2.0 by collecting for Operation SweetTooth. There were multiple pre-blasts, both oral and written leading up to this event, and the pax of F3 Cape Fear delivered.

The Thang:
Operation SweetTooth was conceived to bring joy and some sense of normalcy to children having to spend the holidays in a hospital setting. After speaking with several representatives at the Betty H. Cameron Women and Children’s Hospital, YHC discovered a need that demanded attention. The staff at the hospital thanked the F3 Nation for our desire to assist this time of year, but noted that a vast majority of their toy/gift donations are focused on the patients in the children’s unit. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and the needs of the families watching and waiting for the tiniest of patients were often not an area of focus. YHC and the pax of F3 Cape Fear called an audible and after obtaining the blessing of Olive, went to work to focus on the patients in the NICU and the siblings of those patients that would be spending hours in waiting rooms as their little brother or sister was being treated. The call went out for onsies/blankets/beenies for the patients, and crafts/toys/activity books for the siblings.

At the F3 Cape Fear’s 84th Annual Christmas Party (Yes that is what we called it), cash for the pig and donations for the NICU were collected. In all…
For the patients-
-32 onsies
-6 pairs of tiny socks
-15 beenies and 7 handmade beenies from Seahorse’s mom (well done Seahorse’s mom!)
-8 Baby blankets

For the siblings:
-66 activity and coloring books
-50 boxes of crayons or colored pencils
-8 crafts, other
-30 miscellaneous toys

All pieces were delivered on 14 December 2016. And Seahorse’s mom continues to make beenies!

Moleskin: Well done pax. You delivered beyond what YHC expected, though in all honesty this group of #HIM always exceeds expectations. Peace to you and yours this holiday season.

Thank you for letting me lead.


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