Gettin’ Lucky……or Not So Much

When: 10/24/2017

QIC: Zima

PAX (): Turbine, Smackdown, Krueger, Moonshine, Radar, Jackalope, Bayside, Mufasa, SpecialK, Devito, MillerTime, Southwest, Nacho Libre, Foghorn, Cheesecurd

At 0530 we started with a mosey from the main parking lot to the adjacent parking lot before heading over to the field of dreams.   We were joined by @CheeseCurd from Charlotte – thanks for joining us!


We warmed up to some music this morning.  Song was “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk/Pharrell Williams.  When the music started, we did high knees.  Until the verse in the song “up all night.” Once we heard up all night we got in Al Gore position and held that until the verse of the song reached ‘Get lucky’ and then did a merkin.  We followed this cadence throughout the entire song, with back-to-back merkins during the verses that repeated “Get Lucky”

The Thang

After warmup, a mosey to the planters for a round of 11’s.  First exercise (started with 10 reps) was box jumps and the second exercise was plank jacks (1).  Rinse and repeat until we got down to  1 box jump and 10 plank jacks.

Next we mosey’d over to the rock pile.  We paired up, grabbed a rock and headed for the parking lot.  (YHC is sorry for the hard fall Mufasa took coming out of the rock pile.)

Once we got to the parking lot, it was time for Dora 1-2-3.   100 skull crushers, 200 curls, and 300 American Hammers (rock optional) While one pax did exercises the other ran the length of the parking lot.  A couple rounds of Mary to finish off the exercises

Finally we finished with a brief round of Mary before COT with Oblique and Elbow plank to take us home.


YHC forgot his phone and speaker at the other end of the parking lot so I missed the beginning of what fun stuff I missed.  Link to sign up sheet in Watercooler for Widowmaker beatdowns.  Let’s get the Q sheet filled up.  Lastly, something about Jackalope needing a special prayer to get him ready to Q!

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