VQ, Crooked Numbers and Burpees

When: 07/31/2017

QIC: Smackdown

PAX (): Fondue Guy, Conquistador, Polaroid, Crablegs, Chelsea, Bayside, Sprocket, Turbine, Rosé, Green Bean, Doogie, Thumper, AFLAC, Jay aka Slim Jim (2x FNG), Rooney, Switch, FORE!, Devito, Miller Time, Gear Head, Windex, Squeegee, Steve aka Bill Nye (FNG), Grease Monkey, Love-Love, Fizz, Patch, Jakalope, Nico aka Garfield (FNG), Mad Dog, Hat Trick, Merlot, Waffles, I-Beam, Bear

Thir-Tee Six


Thirty-six men, including 2.5 FNGs, ditched the fart sack for an early morning beatdown with YHC. Nothing like an endless stream of headlights into the Wreck and an attendance record to calm those VQ nerves! 05:30 hits… we mosey.

Hit the trail up the back of the park for .5 mile warm up to the waterfront stars and bars. Quick welcome and disclaimer.

Warm Up (all IC):

  • SSH
  • Ray Finkels
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins

Mosey to Gridiron

The Thang:

Burpee Blast Ladder

PAX lines up on goal line; broad jump into 1 burpee, then broad jump into 2 burpees, broad jump into 3 burpees, etc. until we cross opposite goal line. Lunge back to starting point. Once finished, (bring in the six) run to the last man to bear crawl in with the group… or so I thought.

  • To the relief of the PAX audible was called for group to make the turn at the 50-yard line
  • Did anyone finish before Miller Time? Pretty sure, he smoked this one
  • Some confusion on “bring in the six” but big thanks to the experienced Q’s on site to lead Mary while waiting for the group

4 Corners Elevator

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Star Jumps
  • 30 JLo’s (2 count)
  • 40 Sweat Angels (2 count)

Wall sits and flutter kicks to wait for the six. What goes up must come down…

  • 40 Sweat Angles (2 count)
  • 30 JLo’s (2 count)
  • 20 Star Jumps
  • 10 Merkins

Wall sits and planks as we hit time with the six in. Head back to the flag for CT, count, FNG baptism and quick prayer.

Announcements: In my haste to get everyone out asap I forgot to ask for announcements and prayer requests. A few I can think of:

The week of VQ’s continues with Crablegs on Wednesday; looking forward to that one! I’ll say that clock management is just as important as the workout.

2.0 workout with kids scheduled for Saturday, August 12 at 7:30 AM.

Some 3rdF discussion on Slack, check it out and give Sprocket feedback.

Welcome Virginia Slim (Jay), Garfield (Nico) & Billy Nye (Steve)

Smackdown out.

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