Burpees, Deconstructed Burpess, and some Burpees for the Flag

Mozy to Horse stables –
Warm up – all IC
Cotton Pickers
Carolina Dry Docks

The thang:

Mozy to parking lot
BLIMPS- over 40 yards , Rinse/Repeat
those finishing ahead would plank waiting for others.

Mozy –

Circle up and do Deconstructed Burpees – sets of 10 counting down.

Mozy to planter boxes
Step ups

People’s chair 60 seconds


Parking lot sprint and climbers –
partner up – one partner sprinting 40 yards there and back, other doing mountain climbers.
repeat 5 x

6 MOM –
High slow flutter
Mason twist

Prayers for Crack and his family, and the men and women that serve our nation.

Crack set to Q but was unable to due to sickness in the family, Mufasa stepped up and with help from Flay (DR from Greenville, SC), Darth Visor and Hickory Stick led the Pax into the pain.

Anyone still asleep was instantly awake when we were near the Equestrian Center. Mumble chatter as we mozied. Six was never far behind. Lots of energy.

The penalty came up at the end – 13 burpees when Flay noticed Old Glory had touched the ground. That will never happen again!

The PAX was unanimous in wanting a Thursday beatdown, see y’all at 5:30 AM Thursday.

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