Wham-O or Marty McFly?

AO: Windjammer

When: 01/13/2021

QIC: False Start

PAX (6): Dr. Rico, Walkie Talkie, Kick Six, Brutus, Cookie, False Start


Preruck with Cookie, Kick Six, & False Start

I was looking for themes last night for the workout today and was coming up short.  The only thing I could find was that the Pluto Platter started being manufactured by Wham-O on this day in 1957 (later proved false by the group) and that toy later on became to be known as the Frisbee.  I couldn’t find a way to incorporate that into the workout, but it proved to add some good discussion to the BD today, because the group claimed that Marty McFly actually invented the Frisbee in 1885 when he threw the pie tin at Biff.  Good, we’ll need that distraction for what I have planned.  Off we go!


Mosey to the Flag on the dam.

Arm Circles (Forward & Reverse)

This is where the Pluto Platter…er, I mean Frisbee chatter started.

Mosey to the boat ramp.

The Thang:

Thang 1
Merkin/Squat mile up to Clubhouse Drive

10 Merkins at each intersection on the way up
10 Squats at each intersection on the way down

Thang 2 (this one was ill advised)
Aiken Legs variation – it was 30 degrees, so 30 reps at each corner of the boat ramp lot

Calf Raises
Bonnie Blairs (first ‘oh, my legs are Aiken’ was heard here)
Apollo Onos

The twist that made this fun?  Copperhead lunges between each corner.

Thang 3
Moseyed to the dam and got a coupon and broke into two groups – 1 Group Cusacks to the flag with the coupon, the other AMRAP the below


Close to time, deposited the coupons, moseyed back to the flag for some LBCs and Dolly. Time!
Group 2 AMRAP Curls


Announcement for the NLB BD planned for 11am this Saturday, being led by Pit Stop.

Reminder that COVID is still affecting families, my M’s family removed a cousin from life support 2 days ago, she was 38.

Announcement to think about your accountability this year for fitness.  I’ve created a spreadsheet to track what I do and offered it up to anybody who wants to join in.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Looking at the weather forecast for a pre-ruck and BD with 30 degree (sub-30 windchill) temps is hard.  But having the support of these men, new and old, removes the chill (sorry, terrible pun).  I thank these men every day for helping push me out of my comfort zone.  We didn’t do the lake jump today, but I promised Brutus we’ll do one this year.

Until next time!

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